Our tiles are more varied, with formats ranging from 7 x 7 to 40 x 40, with square, rectangular, hexagonal (perfect and irregular) and octagonal shapes, skirting, rounded edges, parts for stairs, aged pieces and drains, etc. These parts are used interchangeably as interior and exterior floorings to create the olden-style environments that are so popular today.

SOLID BRICKS have a standard size of 3.5 x 12 x 25 and are used for the construction of new houses, fences, gardens and for the refurbishment of farmhouses, churches, convents, country lodges, railway stations, etc., adapting to the formats required in each case. It is also used in interiors for covering walls, pillars, arches and cellars, etc.

Craft development of Roman and Arabic roof tiles in different sizes according to customer requirements.
All types of tiles are made with sizes and special shapes on request.
Contac: international@sebastianperez.com
Linkedin: pedroantoniocampoygonzalez